The History Project - Like Storycorps With Timelines

The History Project is a new multimedia timeline tool funded in part by The New York Times. Larry Ferlazzo tipped me off to The History Project and I gave it a try this afternoon.

The History Project lets you upload your own pictures or import pictures from social networks to add to your timeline. Each event on your timeline can include multiple pictures. After adding a picture to a timeline event you can record audio to add to that event. You also have the option to upload an existing audio recording. Of course, like any good time tool, The History Project lets you write in notes, dates, and locations. When you write in a location a Google Map of that location is added to your timeline event.

Applications for Education
The History Project is designed for telling personal stories which is why I titled the post "like Storycorps with timelines." The History Project's editing interface is rather straight-forward and you could easily have middle school and high school students using it in a short amount of time.

The History Project could be a fantastic tool for students to use to record and share stories about themselves, about their families, and about community elders. Timelines created on The History Project are private unless you choose to publish them for the world to see.

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